Your cargo managed by professionals.
Nova Gandia Logística S.L.
is a road transport agency based in the La Safor area. We operate on an
international level as well as national. Our experts in logistics
provide the best transport solutions for your company. We are
constantly renewing and adapting to the changes and demands of the
market place. We gave a modern fleet of vehicles available which are
equipped to offer the best service to our clients.
Our Services.
Our offices and logistical warehouse are available to offer an integral
logistical service adapted to the needs of our clients for local,
national and international transportatio.
Our Commitment

are continuously developing new computer systems with the aim of having
ultimate control of our fleet in order to offer the best and most
controlled services.
Technological Methods

We rely on a fleet of the ultimate generation. All our vehicles are equipped with the latest technology.
Commercial Routes

are an international logistics operator transporting nationally and
internationally by road. We provide import and export services.
Nova Gandia Logística S.L.
operates internationally in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands.